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heuglin's gull on ORG

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 11:05 am
by marsmuusse
I've been rearranging the heuglin's section, to get it more in line with other sections:

Enjoy! Mars

Re: heuglin's gull on ORG

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:17 pm
by marsmuusse
Hi all,
There have been some additions, especially immature birds in spring from Finland. Images are also at Hannu's site. Now at the heuglini section:

But also birds from march by Amir and Avi from Israel. Somewhere, somebody still has to find out if there is a substantial difference in moult timing between Oman birds and Israelian bird (and if this is related to different breeding populations).

[edit] And of course the nice set of November-December images by Hans! Thanks Hans.


Re: heuglin's gull on ORG

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:02 pm
by marsmuusse
Hi all,
One of the most comprehensive (the most probably) articles on heuglini has been added on the site.
Characteristics and moult of "Baltic Lesser Black-backed Gull" Larus [fuscus] fuscus and “Heuglin’s Gull" L. [fuscus] heuglini by Visa Rauste.

I translated this from German, so any misspellings, errors or other mistakes are all on my account.


Re: heuglin's gull on ORG

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2012 9:53 am
by marsmuusse
Section of Heuglin's Gull updated with 30+ images. Now with several images of 1cy October as well in Oman, many thanks to Aurélien Audevard.


Re: heuglin's gull on ORG

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:36 pm
by marsmuusse
heugRZp100.jpg (56.93KiB)Viewed 6796 times
I have added the article of Buzun (BB 2002) with additional data on graellsii intermixed. With another late moulting LBBG in central Europe a few weeks ago, I hope it may be of any help? and it continues to 3CY December.