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Re: white winged gulls

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:52 pm
by adriaens
Hi Mars,

I was not aware of a second record in the Netherlands ?

Re: white winged gulls

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 10:11 pm
by marsmuusse
Hi Peter,
There has been one record accepted for Terschelling:
Date: zondag 30 januari 2005
Location: Terschelling - West aan Zee
Plumage: 2nd winter


And another one, that is still under consideration (?):
Date: dinsdag 27 november 2007
Location: Maasvlakte - Slag Maasmond
Plumage: 1st CY


Re: white winged gulls

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 11:53 pm
by Morg
Any comments on this 1CY Iceland Gull that I found today in Edinburgh, Scotland? Obviously it is a dark individual and shows some Kumlien's characteristics. My assumption is that it is a dark glaucoides rather than kumlieni... but that is based on an expectation that kumlieni should show distinctly darker outer webs of the outer primaries compared to inner primaries. On the other hand this bird certainly does not seem to show the white flight feathers that I have seen in other nominate Iceland gulls. However, I have little experience of the nominate form and no experience of kumlieni and wonder whether anyone else can confirm as either form or as unidentifiable. Note that the photos were taken in bright sunshine. Apologies for poor quality.

Many thanks

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A couple of other shots on my blog: