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Sub-adult European Herring Gull with tertial spots

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2014 5:41 pm
by little-W
I came across this rare occurrence of a sub-adult European Herring Gull with tertial spots this weekend.
argentatus-4cy-tertial-spots-20140427-1.jpg (801.64KiB)Viewed 6054 times
argentatus-4cy-tertial-spots-20140427-2.jpg (494.78KiB)Viewed 6054 times
argentatus-4cy-tertial-spots-20140427-3.jpg (677.11KiB)Viewed 6054 times
It seems to be a 4th-calendar year (dark greater primary coverts) or 5th-calendar year (adult primaries) type.

Note the small black markings on the outer web of P5 and P4, as well as the staggered and sharply angled shape of the tongue on the underside of P10.

27 April 204, Maasvlakte, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Re: Sub-adult European Herring Gull with tertial spots

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:06 pm
by marsmuusse
Nice bird! Great pictures.