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Larus michahellis atlantis

Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 8:53 pm
by marsmuusse
Yet another taxon from this group:

Still a lot of plumages to go, but we do have a start. Anyone who has been to the Azores, and happy sharing images, please send them to me (1000px, 700KB would be fine). I'm also looking for a contact on the island, hopefully photographer as well, who can take some pictures every month, to illustrate the development of plumages in this taxon (like other sections on ORG). So, if you know such (wo)man on one of the islands, and you have an email address for me, that would be great!

Many thanks to Roni and Rami, and especially Dominic Mitchell for let us use his pictures. One of these beauties here:



Re: Larus michahellis atlantis

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:19 pm
by marsmuusse
Many new images added, now for the September sections. Many thanks to Chris van Rijswijk & António Gonçalves.
If you happen to have been there (not in October), or if you know people with images, please contact us:
Rui Caratão ( ruicaratao *at* ) & mars Muusse

Re: Larus michahellis atlantis

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2012 11:09 pm
by marsmuusse
We have added a very large set of birds from the Canary Islands, February. Many thanks to Asier Aldalur, see his website: ... a-eng.html

I also corresponded with Philippe about adding his atlantis BW article on the site, and he completely agreed. I'll see how will present it, probably with lots of new links...

Re: Larus michahellis atlantis

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2012 10:03 pm
by marsmuusse
Philippe has sent the paper, I've added it to the pages in atlantis section:


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